Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A Martian Reports Home about the Earth

Basically there are two kinds of creatures in this planet: those with willies and those with holes. Some of these creatures called humans spend most of their daylight playing a 'pretend game' called 'life'. (They are even paid for the game!) In this game they act like they have forgotten about 'the-willy-hole thing'. Those who are not good actors and want to stay real all the time are put out of the game in a place called 'jail'. Those who are really good actors are called 'Stars' and respected by all. What they do best is that while they appear all forgetful about 'the-willy-hole thing' they are actually secretly busy doing it. That's why all respect them, I think.

P.S. I see that some of you don't even comment. Oh well, don't bother; you too should have a 'life', don't you? The Martian is not wrong after all!


Dr O2 said...

well the stars who go to jail are called ...?? ;-)

Hilarious post!

Anonymous said...

Obviously I am commenting. Have you read the book,"What do you say after you say hello" by Eric Berne?

. said...

Maria--Of course you are;-) No I haven't. Could you please give a short synopsis of it?

Anonymous said...

Well,in my mind, it is about the psychology of people's transactions, interactions, written by the founder of TA, Transactional Analysis.
In the book, Martian's report is the real report. this is as brief as I could explain, for now.

Shirin said...

Do you really think that’s what life on earth is all about? There are a lot of other things we do here apart from work and sex, don’t you think? Or is this not what you think at all and you are only repeating what the Martians told you? ;-)

. said...

Maria--thanks for the information.

Shirin--The Martian says: "that's about it." Yet, as the Martian just sees the obvious then there might be some coplexities that don't meet the eyes.