Friday, May 19, 2006

Is It Just Me? (2)!

You see a dickhead somewhere and you have to tell him/her how irritating/irresponsible/inconsiderate his/her behaviour is. S/he answers back just to prove what a complete arsehole s/he is. Then you say something and leave, still more irritated. Just seconds later or sometimes minutes or even hours later you come up with an answer which could really shame him/her but ... So all you are left with is to kick yourself why you didn't come with the idea at the right time, you arsehole!


Dr O2 said...

Akh that hurts!! AY ADAM LAJESH MIGIRE :-D There have been uncountable instances I have experienced this!

P.S: Behrooz U also need to add Word Verification to the comments section to avoid off-the-topic advertisements.

. said...

dr 02--It is so bad that even when others say of the same thing it does not reduce the pain.

Hay you are really lucky there, because it is I think the third such comment I ever got!

Shirin said...

Hee hee that’s funny. Next time you can’t think of anything right away, you can say to them ‘Just you wait mister/mrs, I’ll have your answer ready in a couple of hours and then you’ll be sorry.’ ;-) That’ll shut them up I’m sure.

. said...

Shirin--As in Farsi: Che ajab az in tarafaa!!

Should I say 'As my friend advised me ...'!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes i always think of something the time i always seem a little dumbstruck.

s said...

The French have an expression for exactly this kind of situaiton! L'esprit d'escalier. It harks back to the time when (some) people had these elaborate stairways leading up their drawing rooms... and after having had a match of wits with someone upstairs, the guest would be kicking himself while walking down the stairs (l'escalier) for a missed opportunity to say just the right thing.

I HATE it when that happens!

. said...

Tamara--as usual full of information and insight. Thanks. It can help to know it is SO not just me! And that they have a phrase to refer to it. I don't think I could get any such detailed explanation in any dictionary.