Monday, April 03, 2006

The Undo Button

You keep learning; you do whatever it takes to educate yourself, emotionally, intellectually, socially, etc. And it is so difficult too. Yet, it is even more difficult to UNLEARN. It is even far more difficult to get ignorant again. Ignorant as you wouldn't know all the shit around. Ignorant as you might be left alone. Ignorant as you didn't need any news to make you feel you are updated. Is it possible to un-update? Where is the 'undo button'?


Anonymous said...

Sometimes it is better not to know something because once you know something you can never forget you know it.

. said...

Pink--'sometimes' or 'often'?

nyx said...

Don't you think that this "undo button" is something you want right after something "bad" has happened. But if you look back on the life you've had, all the "bad" stuff has also made you into the person you are today (which seems to be a very "good" person). So, instead of longing for an undo-button, we should actually appriciate that life gives us oportunities to learn from our misstakes - and grow as humans.

. said...

nyx--thank you for the good words yet I even think that would be a good idea even to have 'unborn' button.

nyx said...

yeah, the unborn-button is something I'd like too ;-)

Mehrabaneman said...

Ignorant make the life much easier.

jac said...

I do not agree with behrooz and nyx on the last point.

Our birth was not our responsibility. We can do or learn things only after our birth. Once we come to our senses in this world, it becomes our duty to face and solve things by trial and error.

I do need a 'reborn' button then, because I need to live a life time more… to lead a better life than now, to regain what I lost, to obtain what I didn't in this life time.

Now said...

Its nice to think of unborn or reborn buttons..because we know this is not possible.Just imagine that we have these buttons with we really want to use them?
At any moment..where should one be? 'present'..whatever the situation..since thats the only truth..and not wish for past(unborn) or future(future)..